Sugar and Ethanol

Mills focus on ethanol production

Aug, 12, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 201933

According to Valor, the South-Central mills in the country processed more sugar cane in the second half of July of this crop compared to the previous one. Nevertheless, they reduced sugar production by betting on ethanol.

According to information released by Unica – Union of Sugarcane Industries, 49.69m tons of cane were crushed in the second half of July, a 4.3% increase over the same period of 2018. Sugar production decreased 5,5% on the same basis of comparison, to 2.48m tons.

Yet the production of ethanol increased, driven by hydrous ethanol, whose production rose 3.1%, to 1.82bn liters. Meanwhile, anhydrous ethanol production decreased by 3.4% to 835m liters.

It is worth remembering that production was limited by the deterioration in raw material quality after the frost in early July.

While the milling in São Paulo is 5.8% lower in the accumulated of this crop, totaling 179.5m tons, in the other states there was a slight growth of 1.8%, to 128.3m tons.

Source: Valor

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