
Minerva strikes exclusive deal with British Hilton Food

Jul, 18, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202228

Minerva, South America’s largest beef exporter, has entered into a mutually exclusive supply agreement with British Hilton Food Solutions, Hilton Food PLC’s protein trading company.

According to the note released by the Brazilian company, the agreement will allow expanding operations in the food service, processed food industry, and retail in the United Kingdom.

“That is a great opportunity to understand market dynamics, define the profile of local costumers, and expand our presence in the country,” said Fernando Queiroz, CEO of Minerva Foods, in an online note.

Source:Valor Econômico

Para ler o artigo original completo: https://valor.globo.com/agronegocios/noticia/2022/07/14/minerva-fecha-acordo-de-fornecimento-exclusivo-com-britnica-hilton-food.ghtml

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