MINFRA meeting highlights port sector concessions
Jul, 02, 2021 Posted by Ruth HollardWeek 202127
The port sector should receive a boost from the private sector in 2021. Port leases are expected to reach BRL 7 billion in contracted investments, including BRL 4 billion from 2019 until now and BRL 3 billion by the end of the year.
The number was presented this Thursday (July 1st) during the ports strategic assessment meeting led by the executive secretary of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Marcelo Sampaio. The meeting was marked by the analysis of the portfolio’s ongoing actions and the results being achieved with recent investments in the segment.
In August, three more terminals will be leased: one in the Port of Mucuripe, in Ceará, one in the Port of Maceió, in Alagoas, and a third in the Port of Santana, in Amapá, with more than R$ 150 million in new investments to the port sector. In addition to the 5 terminals already tendered this year, another 11 are planned until December.
Plans for the first semester include the leasing of terminals STS08 and STS08A for the storage of liquid bulk (fuel) at the Port of Santos, and the first port privatization in the country, Companhia Docas do Espírito Santo (CODESA).
“These meetings are important to monitor the processes that are being studied in the medium- to long-term and to give a procedure to our sectorial plan”, declared Sampaio. In addition to the prospects for the future with the concessions, port cargo handling records were analyzed at the meeting.
In addition to secretary Marcelo Sampaio, the meeting was also attended by Fernando Coelho, MINFRA’s Undersecretary for Strategic Management, Technology, and Innovation; Diogo Piloni, National Secretary of Ports and Waterway Transport; and representatives of the Executive and Development, Planning and Partnerships (SFPP) secretariats; the National Transport Infrastructure Department (DNIT); the National Waterway Transport Agency (ANTAQ); and the Planning and Logistics Company (EPL).
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