
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock highlights Brazil’s vocation for exporting chicken meat

May, 14, 2024 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202420

Chicken is one of the most popular protein sources in Brazil. To promote this economic sector, the International Poultry Council created World Poultry Day, celebrated last Friday (10).

Brazil’s Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa) promotes and encourages the production and export of poultry products. According to Minister Carlos Fávaro, this sector is a major driving force of the Brazilian economy. “The importance of poultry production for Brazil is unquestionable. In addition to feeding the Brazilian people, it creates jobs and generates income in this country, and deserves recognition and encouragement to grow even more,” said Fávaro.

According to Mapa’s Secretariat of Trade and International Relations (SCRI), Brazil exports chicken meat to 172 countries and is the world’s largest exporter and third largest producer.

In 2023, Brazil exported five million tons of chicken, valued at USD 9.61 billion. By March this year, more than 1.1 million tons had been exported, adding up to USD 2.10 billion.

The chart below displays Brazilian poultry meat exports between Jan 2021 and Mar 2024. The data is from DataLiner.

Poultry Meat Exports | Jan 2021 – Mar 2024 | TEUs

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

According to the Brazilian Animal Protein Association (ABPA), approximately 480,000 tons of fresh and processed chicken products were sold in April. This is the second-best result recorded for this sector ever.

SCRI Secretary Roberto Perosa highlighted that Brazil exports about 33% of its poultry production. “This stems from the efficiency of our production chain and our stringent sanitary system, which guarantee the high quality and safety of the products we offer to the international market,” he said.

Brazil is the world’s largest exporter of halal meat, including poultry. Halal chickens meet all religious requirements regarding halal slaughter and the sanitary specifications of each importing country.

Brazil sells halal chicken meat to more than 30 countries. In 2023, more than 2.2 million tons and more than USD 3.9 billion were exported. Over the previous month, four more Brazilian slaughterhouses were certified to export to Malaysia.

“The growing demand for halal chicken meat from Brazil showcases our ability to cater to diversified markets, and our commitment to excellence and food security around the world,” highlighted SCRI Secretary Roberto Perosa.

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