
Ministry of Agriculture investigates new Asian insect in Santos

Oct, 19, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202140

MAPA (the ministry of agriculture, livestock, and food supply) is already investigating an insect that arrived in Santos from Asia. The Erthesina fullo is a polyphage that feeds on different types of plants and even fruit trees, worrying authorities for the damage it could cause to Brazilian agriculture.

“The process is in the first stage of the investigation, awaiting the result of the laboratory analysis”, says Juliana Alexandre, head of the Pest Prevention and Surveillance Division at Mapa.

The possible means of the arrival of the new species was through ports, which receive ships from various regions of the world.

“The port region carries a high risk of new pests. Therefore, it is an area in which the inspection of agricultural products or ways pests my spread is part of the work routine carried out by VIGIAGRO, (MAPA’s agricultural surveillance arm)”, stated the head of the ministry’s pest prevention and surveillance division. However, the agency still does not have data on how many species enter this way.

Source: A Tribuna

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