Other Logistics

Ministry of Infrastructure presents priority works and actions for 2020

Dec, 16, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 201951

According to the Ministry of Infrastructure, various actions are planned for 2020, such as 44 auctions in the four modes of transport: road, rail, water, and air. In addition, more than 50 public works are expected to be delivered.

Important assets will be passed on to private enterprise. There will be seven highways, two railroads, nine port terminals, and 22 airports, as well as the early renewal of four rail freight concessionaires. The expectation of next year’s auctions is to reach the goal of R$101bn in investments.

BR-163/230/MT/PA, for example, will have its 970 km stretch between Sinop/MT and Miritituba/PA auctioned. The highway is a focal point on the harvesting route of the grain harvest, especially in the state of Mato Grosso to the ports of Arco-Norte, and was paved by the National Department of Transport Infrastructure this year.

In the railway sector, the government will auction the 537-km stretch of FIOL (West-East Integration Railway), between Ilhéus/BA and Caetité/BA. Another important railway in the ministry’s project portfolio is Ferrogrão, in the 1,142-km stretch between Lucas do Rio Verde/MT, Sinop/MT, and Miritituba/PA. Once completed, the railway will lessen the large volume of trucks traveling along the BR-163, shifting the destination of freight from the highway to the railroad.

In addition to the Fortaleza Passenger Terminal, the port sector will also have eight other terminals granted in Paranaguá/PR, Itaqui/MA, Santos/SP, and Salvador/BA.

Finally, the airline industry also has a robust portfolio of projects to be auctioned by 2020. In total, 22 airports will be granted during the 6th round, including capital terminals such as Curitiba/PR, Manaus/AM, and Goiânia/GO. For this auction, the forecast is R$5bn in investments.

Major works

Regarding public works, the government expects to open the equivalent of one work per week nationwide. The volume of projects is extensive, especially in the road sector. One of the highlights is the duplication of sections of BR-381/MG, in the municipalities of Antônio Dias/MG and Caeté/MG. Another expected project is the dredging of the Port of Rio Grande/RS, which will remove about 16m cubic meters of sediment deposited along the 30 km of the port access channel. In the air sector, the government expects, among other works, to expand Fortaleza/CE airport and make improvements to the terminals of Foz do Iguaçu/PR and Navegantes/SC.

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