Ports and Terminals

Ministry ordered to speed up inspection at the Port of Santos

Mar, 28, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202413

The oversight of incoming goods, managed by employees of the Federal Revenue Secretariat and other import inspection agencies, is deemed essential. As such, it is governed by principles such as continuity, regularity, and the adequacy of public service, as outlined in Article 6 of Law 8.987/95.

This formed the basis for Judge Décio Gabriel Gimenez of the 3rd Federal Court of Santos (SP) to instruct the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply (Mapa) to promptly conduct inspection procedures for goods imported by two companies currently held up at the Port of Santos.

Furthermore, the judge ordered the ministry to ensure swift inspection of the listed goods not yet arrived at the port, as part of the same decision.

The decision stemmed from a writ of mandamus filed by the companies, reporting that the inspection activities for wooden supports (pallets) containing imported goods were excessively delayed due to a strike by Mapa inspectors. They argued that what used to be a two-hour inspection procedure was now taking up to ten days.

Upon reviewing the case, the judge found that the legal prerequisites for urgent relief were met. “Indeed, this mandamus pertains to the right to timely service provision, as beneficiaries of customs inspection services, which are partially overseen by the respondent authority at the Port of Santos.”

Consequently, he directed the immediate execution of clearance procedures for the goods and instructed the ministry to promptly notify the court of any obstacles hindering the completion of customs clearances.

Source: Conjur

Click here to read the original news report: https://www.conjur.com.br/2024-mar-27/ministerio-e-condenado-a-acelerar-fiscalizacao-no-porto-de-santos/

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