Ports and Terminals

Multilog’s winning bid renders continued control of key Brazilian dry ports

Aug, 16, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202334

Multilog has emerged victorious in the Federal Revenue bidding process, securing its position as the company in charge of the dry ports in Jaguarão, Uruguaiana, and Santana do Livramento, all situated in Rio Grande do Sul. This announcement, published in the Official Gazette of the Union on August 10th, solidifies Multilog’s status for presenting the most compelling proposal among the contenders.

Dry Port in Uruguaiana

Djalma Vilela, President of Multilog, expressed his satisfaction with the outcome, stating, “We are immensely pleased with the results of the bidding process that has rendered Multilog the winner. Our extensive experience in managing and operating customs facilities, coupled with the exemplary performance within these customs units, validates our capabilities and underscores our decision to continue investing in this sector.” Vilela also revealed that the company is set to inaugurate another dry port this year in Dionísio Cerqueira, Santa Catarina.

Multilog plays a pivotal role in facilitating cargo movement across Brazilian Dry Ports, granting access to Mercosur nations. Presently, the company administers four customs units, three in Rio Grande do Sul, and one in Paraná, the largest in Latin America, covering a combined area of 450,000 m². An additional 125,000 m² will be incorporated upon the completion of works in Dionísio Cerqueira.

Dry Port in Santana do Livramento

Juliane Wolff, Head of Institutional Relations, Customs, Regulatory, and SMA at Multilog, underscored the company’s ambitious plans, stating, “Our engagement in cargo movement within Mercosur’s dry ports is already substantial, and this will be further amplified with the launch of the Dionísio Cerqueira unit.” Wolff emphasized that Multilog is keenly attuned to growth prospects beyond expanding capacity.

In the past year, Multilog logged approximately 400,000 vehicle entries responsible for transporting import and export cargo across these customs units. Between January and May of this year alone, the company recorded 138,000 entries.

Dry Port in Jaguarão

Dry Ports hold a crucial role in foreign trade, streamlining the import and export processes. They expedite cargo clearance, minimize transit times between destinations, and offer competitive pricing due to their strategic locations.

Within Multilog’s Dry Ports, the company extends its services to encompass value-added options for products.

Multilog’s operational framework in the border-located Dry Ports incorporates cutting-edge technological tools, including the Genius platform for customer service, which enables cargo tracking and process monitoring, as well as CCTV systems, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), and web inspection within warehouses to ensure security, efficiency, and adaptability.

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