Ports and Terminals

MultiRio receives new Portainer and expands cargo-handling capacity at Rio de Janeiro port

Dec, 16, 2020 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202052

MultiRio concluded the expansion of its container terminal in the Port of Rio de Janeiro with the delivery of the Super Post Panamax Portainer, a dock crane for handling containers, which arrived from China fully assembled. Now, MultiRio has five portainers in addition to the current three mobile harbor cranes (MHCs). Its cargo-handling capacity will increase thanks to the reduced time required in loading and unloading ships.

“In 2011, we looked at the port and understood that it would not have the infrastructure necessary to receive the large ships that are sailing in Europe, the United States, and the East; that would make us lose competitiveness. This is because the ships are getting larger and there was a real need to expand in order to be able to better serve them at the Port of Rio de Janeiro. At that moment, we decided that we would invest to make the Port of Rio de Janeiro one of the most competitive in the world. Today, I can say that we have reached our goal ”, says Thomas Klien, president of Multiterminais. “Rio de Janeiro has a privileged maritime and terrestrial geography. We have a pier with a single lane that connects two terminals, we can load and unload quickly, and we can also be the connection point for the largest container ships that need to take their products to smaller ports”.

The new equipment was designed to serve the largest ships that frequent the east coast of South America, as well as the next generations of vessels. It has a capacity of 65 tons and is able to lift containers 49 meters high and move them 67 meters horizontally.

MultiCar, the vehicle terminal in the Port of Rio de Janeiro operated by Multiterminais, has also expanded to include the first garage building in a Latin American port terminal. The investment in the twoMultiterminais contiguous terminals, which included a 560-meter quay extension, required an investment of almost R$ 500 million. Together, MultiRio and MultiCar now have 1,160 meters of continuous docks.

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