Ports and Terminals

National Secretariat for Ports and Water Transport includes new procedure within ‘Port Without Paper’ system

Jun, 15, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202024

The National Secretariat for Ports and Water Transport (SNPTA) has implemented a new procedure to the “Port Without Paper” system – the ‘arrivals and departures’ function, which aims to facilitate and optimize the recording of vessel stay information at Brazilian ports. The tool is intended for shipping agents and port administrators and allows greater efficiency in the registration of port operations for mooring, anchoring, and reshipment.

Prior to implementation, vessel stay information needed to be included via multiple screens. Now, these records are made on a single, more intuitive screen, which allows greater efficiency in the recording of information. The new functionality reduced the total time for recording information by approximately 15%, with improved quality and detail of records.


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