Ports and Terminals

Navy seizes over 200 kg of cocaine hidden in ship hull at Port of Santos

Apr, 04, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202414

In a joint operation with Federal Police agents, Brazilian Navy divers discovered 212kg of cocaine in the sea chest, an underwater compartment responsible for cooling engines, on a merchant ship bound for Germany. The drug bust took place at the Port of Santos, the largest port terminal in the southern hemisphere, on Tuesday, April 2.

Investigations indicate that packages of cocaine hidden on ships are usually transported in two ways: by small boats, which mainly move at night with lights off, or by divers, who depart from forest areas or more remote vessels.

According to a Navy report released by Estadão, 1.68 tons of cocaine were confiscated in ship hulls at the Port of Santos by military divers in the past year. The number represents triple the total seized in 2020, 483 kilograms.

Similarly, the incidence of submarine trafficking is also on the rise, according to data from the Customs of Santos gathered by the Violence Studies Center of USP. In 2020, 2.3% of the seized drugs were found in ship hulls. By 2023, with partial data extending until August, the number rose to 13.5%.

Since November 6 of last year, around 1900 Navy personnel have been deployed to strengthen prevention and repression actions against crimes such as drug and arms trafficking in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The actions are part of the Law and Order Guarantee Operation (GLO), scheduled to last until May 3.

It is expected that the operations will be extended after this period with the inclusion of other Brazilian ports, such as Paranaguá (PR), which is usually the second in cocaine seizures in Brazil. Estadão followed a day of Navy work during the Operation.

Source: Estadão 

Click here to read the original news article: https://www.estadao.com.br/sao-paulo/marinha-apreende-200-kg-de-cocaina-escondidos-em-casco-de-navio-no-porto-de-santos-nprm/

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