New Apex head Jorge Viana keen on expanding Amazon-origin exports
Jan, 02, 2023 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202301
The former governor of the Brazilian northern state Acre, Jorge Viana, appointed by vice-president Geraldo Alckmin to head Apex (Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency), intends to expand to exports of Amazon-origin products.
According to him, who coordinated the Environment WG during the government transition, Brazil has a share of only 0.17% in the global market of agroforestry products, which has a lot of potential for expansion.
Vice-president Alckmin announced on December 30, 2022, his choice to command Apex (Brazilian Export and Investment Agency).
A forestry engineer, Viana was part of the working group for the environment in the president-elect’s transition team. The agency is now, as it was in the past, part of the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce, and Services structure under Alckmin’s lead.
Source: Folha de S. Paulo
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