Ports and Terminals

New cycle of dredging maintenance work begins at Santos

Jun, 01, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202023

A new cycle of dredging maintenance began at Santos on Saturday, May 30th.  The works are being carried out by DTA Engenharia and started with the berths at Brasil Terminal Portuário (BTP), on the right bank of the port.

The maintenance contract with DTA was signed on January 8, but it came under legal scrutiny. The preliminary injunction that prevented the work from starting was lifted on April 23 and, on April 29, the service order was signed to mobilize the berth equipment. The contract is valid for 24 months and aims to maintain the draft of the navigation channel and berths at Santos. According to the Santos Port Authority, work was started during the window of opportunity available (the period between the departure of one vessel and entry of another, when the berth is free), to allow minimal impact on moorings.

New Director of Administration and Finance at SPA

More news on the Port of Santos is that on May 29th, the port`s new Director of Administration and Finance was elected. Marcus dos Santos Mingoni was elected by the company’s board of directors (Consad). The executive was the financial vice president of Grupo Saraiva and CFO of Grupo SEB Educação.


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