New government soon to review truck freight rate table
Jan, 07, 2019 Posted by datamarnewsWeek 201902
Brazil’s Agriculture Minister has affirmed that the government will begin addressing the truck freight table issue in the coming days. The Agriculture and Livestock Confederation (CNA) filed for an injunction with the Federal Supreme Court (STF) in November against fines proposed by the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT) for violating the minimum truck freight rate, which was to be twice the difference between the freight paid and the amount that should have been paid, with a minimum fine of R$550 and maximum of R$10,500. The country’s agriculture sector, which heavily contested the new table and the fines, believes that the Bolsonaro government will readjust the freight rate by taking market values into consideration. According to the minimum freight law, the new table must be published on or before January 20.
Supporting sources:
BRASÍLIA – A ministra da Agricultura, Tereza Cristina, disse nesta quarta-feira que o novo governo deverá começar a tratar ainda esta semana do imbróglio envolvendo o tabelamento de frete rodoviário de cargas, contestado na Justiça por várias entidades do setor empresarial. “Estamos monitorando a tabela, conversando. Esta semana o governo deverá
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