Ports and Terminals

New platform to be used for truck scheduling at Port of Santos

Sep, 01, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202135

Scheduling of the arrival of trucks at the Port of Santos will change platforms starting on September 21st. The new tool is now available to users for testing.

“To avoid transition failures and doubts from operators of terminals and regulatory yards, we kept the integration layouts identical, both for the exchange by files and for the integrations via web service”, explains the Director of Operations at SPA, Marcelo Ribeiro.

Developed by Santos Port Authority (SPA), the new system will feature new functions aimed at updating and improving scheduling. The current road cargo arrival synchronization platform, Portolog, works in conjunction with the Port Authority’s truck traffic management system (SGTC). With the new system, SPA will be able to unify the two tools in the future and, therefore, be more efficient.

The new system contains the same characteristics as the previous one, both for exchanging XML files and for web services. Access was made easier by changing the authentication format. SPA’s objective is to allow the migration to the new scheduling system at the Port of Santos as soon as possible.

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