Ports and Terminals

New rules for Barra do Riacho port allow for receipt of bigger vessels

Oct, 28, 2020 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202045

Last week, the port authority and Companhia Docas do Espírito Santo (CODESA) officially approved an amendment to Port of Barra do Riacho’s traffic and vessel-mooring rules (Normap 2), at Portocel, located in Aracruz (ES).

One of the most significant changes is that the amended norm now allows Portocel to begin receiving ships that are up to 36 meters wide, which is 1 meter more than the previous limit. This increases the port’s capacity to receive classes of vessels that it previously couldn´t, thus increasing its cargo potential.

Another important advance is that by following Resolution 001, its own new traffic standard, the terminal has begun managing its area’s limitations and observing issues related to navigation safety, always with the approval of the responsible entities. This allows them to obtain relevant gains in relation to the ship draft. The draft goes from 12.3m to 12.70m in berths 101 and 102, and from 13m to 13.2m in berth 103.

The graphs below illustrate the main changes

The changes to Normap 2 and Resolution 001 in the Barra do Riacho region were preceded by several technical studies that attest to navigation safety and adequate operating conditions. Located approximately 70 km from Vitória (ES), Portocel has a railway running from Vitória railway to Minas (EFVM).  It operates using cabotage and long-haul navigation and serves the offshore operations of the oil and gas market, including the handling of large parts.

Consult the chart below for Portocel’s Brazilian exports from January 2017 to August 2020:

Brazilian Exports by Portocel | Jan 2017 to Aug 2020 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (To request a DataLiner demo click here)

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