Ports and Terminals

New ship-loader at Maranhão grain terminal set to double capacity to 15 million tonnes per annum

Jun, 05, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202024

The Maranhão Grain Terminal, also called Tegram, located in the Port of Itaqui, will put into operation in August a new ship-loader, which will more than double the capacity for loading soy and corn to a maximum of around 15 million tonnes/year.  The increase in Tegram’s capacity will occur almost simultaneously with the time of year when corn shipments are increasing.  The new ship-loader will have the capacity to load 3,000 tons per hour, compared to 2,500 tons with equipment already at one of the terminal’s berths.

In March, April, and May of this year alone, months of greater soybean movement, Tegram has already exported around 2.5 million tons, an increase of almost 40% compared to the same period last year.  In 2019, with only one ship-loader, Tegram shipped more than 7 million tons, the majority of which was soy.

Source: Reuters


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