Other Logistics

New truck freight-rate legislation accounts for return cargo

Jan, 19, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202004

Brazil’s National Land Transportation Agency (ANTT) published, on January 16, a resolution that establishes the general rules and methodology to be used in calculating minimum truck freight rates. As a result of the crisis generated during the 2018 truckers strike, discussions have been on-going. The new resolution is billed as the National Policy for Minimum Rates of Road Cargo Transport (PNPM-TRC).

The new resolution’s main characteristics:

1- The obligation to pay a return freight is provided for in the new resolution, for operations where the truck is not allowed to carry a new load upon return. For example a truck that carries fuel and cannot return carrying any other type of cargo.
2- The truck driver’s daily rate was included in the calculation of the minimum rate.
3- Pressurized Cargo was included in the table as a new type of cargo. There are now 12 categories.
4- Two new tables were created to take into account rapid turn around operations. These are operations that take less time to load and discharge.
5- Monetary update to the items that make up the table, such as tire maintenance, among others.

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