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Nissan to stop production at Brazilian factory due to lack of semi-conductors

May, 25, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202123

The lack of semiconductors had not yet affected Nissan to the point of having to interrupt production at the Brazilian plant installed in Resende, in Rio de Janeiro. But now the Japanese automaker is now preparing for shutdowns which are expected to interrupt the assembly lines for five days in June.

According to the new president of Nissan Mercosul, Airton Cousseau, it will not necessarily be consecutive days. “We are having a hard time,” said the executive.

According to Cousseau, despite the lack of semiconductor chips used in various electronic systems – which has affected the production of vehicles worldwide – Nissan avoids producing incomplete vehicles and leaving them in the yard waiting for the components to arrive.

Semiconductor production is concentrated in Asia and the automotive industry must dispute the supply of these components with the electronics industry, the largest consumer.


Source: Valor Econômico

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