Trade Regulations

Online platform helps export products of Brazilian flora and fauna

Jan, 05, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202201

The Ministry of the Environment, in collaboration with the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama), established the “Plataforma de Anuência Única do Brasil” (PAU Brasil), a management and consent tool that regulates the import and export of specimens, products and byproducts of fauna, fisheries, and native flora.

The platform, which will be managed by Ibama, will work collaboratively with the Ministry of Economy’s Integrated Foreign Trade System (Siscomex) to issue documents such as licenses, authorizations, permits, and certificates.

PAU Brasil will go into force on January 25 by decree. Fish from both continental and marine waters are among the specimens that may be licensed for foreign trade. Licenses are also planned for the export of logs (wood thicker than 250 millimeters and firewood), charcoal derived from native species, as well as specimens, products, and by-products of Brazilian and exotic flora and fauna contained in the annexes of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (Cites).

Applications can be submitted electronically through the Ibama website, using the Cites License Issuance System (Siscites). According to the text of the decree, “Cites license applicants, individuals or legal entities, must register in the Federal Technical Registry – CTF as Use of Natural Resources, in the categories: import or export of native Brazilian fauna, import or export of native Brazilian flora, and importer or exporter of exotic wildlife,” and keep the information up to date.

Source: Agência Brasil

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