Ports and Terminals

Open tender for dredging at the Port of Mar del Plata

Jan, 11, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202102

This Monday, January 11th, the Mar del Plata Regional Port Consortium began accepting bidding for maintenance dredging works for the Port of Mar del Plata, in Argentina. It is estimated that more than half a million cubic meters of sediment will have to be removed from the main access channel and interior spaces.

The work will have a financial contribution from the national government of 200 million Argentine pesos.

“This announcement is the result of a joint effort between the Sub Secretariat of Ports and Waterways of Argentina to prepare the specifications, and support from national and provincial governments to advance in the prompt execution of a fundamental construction project for our port”, highlights the president of the Mar del Plata Regional Port Consortium, Gabriel Felizia.

The specifications and conditions, approved by the consortium management at its last meeting, include the exterior and interior maintenance dredging of the main access channel, the maneuver zone of the flammable station, and the respective docking fronts for the eighth and ninth sections from Pier 2. The work is expected to be completed in 150 days.

Bathymetric studies carried out in these sectors that will be affected by dredging works confirm the need to remove approximately 560,000 cubic meters of sediment that in recent years has reduced the depth in these vital points for the normal operation of vessels in this terminal.

“It is a necessary and essential investment to sustain the full operational capacity of our port, which means to accompany the development of production and the generation of more jobs for the Mar del Plata population”, concludes Felizia.

See monthly container movement at the Port of Mar del Plata since 2017:

Container Handling at the Port of Mar del Plata | Jan 2017 to Nov 2020 | TEU


Graph source: DataLiner (To request a DataLiner demo click here)

Source: Port Portal

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