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Operation against international drug trafficking launched at the Port of Salvador

Jul, 06, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202227

Operation “Laranja de Fachada” (Phony Orange), which investigates a criminal organization involved in international drug trafficking, was launched on July 5th by the Federal Police in Salvador. As a result, several drugs stored in containers at the Port of Salvador were seized. The illicit product would have been transported by sea into European ports.

According to the authorities, the drugs were concealed inside a container that would transport oranges, even though much of the fruit had already rotted. During the investigation, the police discovered that the proprietor of the exporting firm, which is based in the municipality of Juazeiro in the northwestern state of Bahia, was involved, and he was detained.

The police also executed an arrest order against a foreigner from Mozambique who would have assisted in the operation of exporting narcotics via refrigerated containers. The Mozambican was already in prison when the Federal Police launched another investigation into international drug trafficking using the same method.

A total of 350kg of cocaine destined for Portugal had already been seized in the Port of Salvador, in September 2020, during a joint operation between the Federal Police and the Federal Revenue Service against drug trafficking.

During Operation Laranja de Fachada, federal police officers also conclude arrests after searching and seizing illegal items in Lages, Santa Catarina, and Natal, the capital city of Rio Grande do Norte. Those involved will answer for the crimes of international drug trafficking (art. 33 and 40, I of law 11.343/2006).

Source: IPolítica

To read the full original article, please go to: https://ipolitica.blog.br/operacao-contra-trafico-internacional-de-drogas-e-deflagrada-no-porto-de-salvador/

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