‘Operation relic:’ authorities find irregularities on over 150 trucks and terminals in Santos
Nov, 22, 2022 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202247
During ‘Operation Relic,’ the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT) fined 179 trucks for irregularities in the transportation of ammonium nitrate. The Brazilian Army also imposed fines on five terminals at the Port of Santos. In addition, each of the 54 facilities inspected will now receive a report indicating the points pending correction, increasing the security of port operations.
For more than a week, the storage and handling of dangerous products were the action’s focus, which also aimed to inspect abandoned cargo on the Santos pier. The Brazilian Institute of Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama) coordinates the works.
About 50 people participated in inspections at the 54 terminals. And, last Friday, they all gathered to discuss the results of the operation.
“We have 54 processes open, one for each terminal. Each participating body assesses the result before issuing a final report, but nothing major has been charged. Every year, we see an increase in awareness and care with operations,” says federal environmental agent Ana Angélica Alabarce, who is in charge of Ibama in the region.
According to her, all corrections to be made by the facilities are related to cleaning and waste disposal. There are also adjustments to be made concerning the Individual Emergency Plan of some terminals.
As for the inspected trucks, there were irregularities in transporting dangerous products, such as ammonium nitrate. However, the number of problems detected fell compared to last year, when more than 200 vehicles were caught by ANTT, with some non-compliance to be adjusted.
The work of the Fire Department’s teams continues. Field inspections will also be conducted during the week. The emphasis will be on operational processes, product storage areas, security systems, and waste management, among other things. Teams from other organizations are also completing the document analysis for the terminals.
The operation
This was the third year of Operation Relic in the Port of Santos. The need for the inspection arose after the accident involving chemicals at the Port of Beirut, Lebanon, in 2020. Despite the finding that the Santos pier handles the substances that caused the explosion, the authorities conclude that the operations are safe.
The operation’s goal is to evaluate cargo handling and storage activities, as well as the physical and operational structure of the terminals, as well as cleaning and internal and external goods transport. The authorities are also taking action against abandoned goods not removed from port terminals by their owners.
Source: A Tribuna
To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.atribuna.com.br/noticias/portomar/operacao-reliqua-mais-de-150-caminhoes-e-terminais-do-porto-de-santos-sao-autuados
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