mamão papaya

Papaya: Brazil’s export volume drops significantly in 2022

Dec, 22, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202251

Following a record year, the volume of Brazilian papaya exports fell in 2022. According to Secex data, the amount exported was 36.8 thousand tonnes between January and November, a 20% decrease from the same period last year. This is primarily due to a lack of national supply due to recent productive area declines and frequent rainfall in the Northeast region, which impacted fruit quality.

The revenue drop was comparatively smaller, only 1%, totaling US$ 45.6 million (FOB). The grip of Brazilian papaya over the European market explains this quasi-stability. As a result of the low competition, average prices rose even in the European market. How things will unfold in 2023 is still unknown, but intense rainfall may limit output at the start of the year in certain producing regions.

Source: Notícias Agrícolas

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