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Paraguay Plans New Road Corridor Connecting Brazil and Argentina

Feb, 26, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202409

José Espinoza, Paraguay’s Deputy Minister of Public Works, unveiled that President Santiago Peña has greenlit the construction of a new road corridor extending from Pedro Juan Caballero, nestled on the border with Brazil, to the Gral. Díaz area in Paraguayan Chaco, adjacent to the border with Argentina.

“We have initiated the strategic planning process to establish this new paved route, destined to evolve into a comprehensive passage connecting Pedro Juan Caballero, Yby Yau, Concepción, Pozo Colorado, and General Díaz, bordering Argentina,” explained the deputy minister.

Although numerous segments of this extensive corridor, spanning over 600 kilometers, have already been paved, some final touches remain before it can be officially designated as a fully integrated road network.

On this note, the deputy minister highlighted that among the pending tasks is the paving of a 100-kilometer stretch between Concepción and Pozo Colorado in Paraguayan Chaco. Although various contracts have been awarded, the project is currently entangled in legal proceedings awaiting resolution.

“Upon the resolution of these legal matters, we will proceed to issue the call for the completion of these 100 kilometers, thereby culminating in the seamless connectivity of the entire route from Concepción to Pozo Colorado,” reassured Espinoza during his discourse with Radio Nacional del Paraguay.

Concurrently, he disclosed plans to embark on initiatives aimed at extending the paved route from Pozo Colorado to the General Díaz stronghold and further onward to the San Leonardo mission, thus facilitating connectivity to the Argentine border.

This newly envisioned corridor is strategically charted to run parallel, approximately 150 kilometers away, to the Bioceanic Corridor that Paraguay is actively constructing within the heart of the central Chaco region.

In reference to the latter initiative, Deputy Minister Espinoza divulged that during the first semester, the directive to commence work on one of its final remaining sections, spanning from Mariscal Estigarribia to Pozo Hondo on the Argentine border, is slated to be issued.

Source: Agencia de Información Paraguaya

Click here to read the original news report: https://www.ip.gov.py/ip/paraguay-proyecta-un-nuevo-corredor-vial-que-atravesara-su-territorio-para-unir-brasil-y-argentina/

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