
Paraguay ships 21% more items produced in ‘maquiladoras,’ beef follows suit

Jun, 08, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202223

Industries operating in Paraguay under the maquila regime (the assembly of items with imported parts) exported the equivalent of US$ 419 million (R$ 2.1 billion) in the first five months of 2022. This figure reflects a 21% increase over the same period in 2021.

According to data from the Paraguayan Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC), exports generated US$ 95 million (R$ 465 million) in May alone, an increase of 27% compared to the same month of 2021. Of the 247 maquiladoras registered in the country, 118 are based in Ciudad del Este and neighboring municipalities. The number of jobs created totals around 20 thousand.

Auto components (25%) are the most manufactured items, followed by food products (23%), clothes and textiles (16%), aluminum and its by-products (11%), and plastics and derivatives (9%).

The main destination is Brazil, which buys 65% of the total exports. Then, Argentina ranks second (12%), followed by Singapore (7%), the United States (5%), and Uruguay (4%), with the remaining 7% scattered among other countries. The projection for the rest of the year is for continued growth, given the pent-up demand in several markets.


Senacsa – the National Service of Quality and Animal Health – recently disclosed the balance of beef exports. From January through May, 127.4 thousand tonnes of the product were exported, resulting in a revenue of US$ 683.4 million (R$ 3.3 billion), a historic high for the Paraguayan livestock sector.

See below the track record of beef exports in containers from Paraguay in the period between January 2021 and April 2022. The data was provided by Datamar’s data platform, DataLiner.

Beef exports from Paraguay | Jan 2021 – April 2022 | TEU

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Chile purchased the most beef from Paraguay, 56,900 tonnes, followed by Brazil (16,800 tonnes), Russia (16,000 tons), Taiwan (15,000 tonnes), Israel (8,500 tonnes), and Uruguay (2.7 thousand). Sales to Russia may have been substantially more significant if not for international embargoes put on Moscow due to its invasion of Ukrainian land.

Source: H2Foz

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