Brazilian beef; Bolsa de Rosário

Paraguayan and Uruguayan beef exports grow in January

Feb, 04, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202105

Uruguayan exports increased by 7.6% in January this year in comparison with the same month in 2020. Exports (including a free zone) reached US$ 674 million in January according to data that was released on Monday this week by Uruguay XXI, the body responsible for promoting exports, investments, and the country’s image.

What happened in the first month of the year? Some products had a positive impact. Among them are wheat, wood, beef, electricity, and dairy products. But some products had a negative effect, such as pulp, rice, and wool.

Looking at exports by destination, China is once again the main market for Uruguayan products. The Asian market imported products valued at US$ 130 million, which was 47% more than in January 2020. Part of the increased exports was also due to higher exports of meat by-products – mainly frozen meats – exported to the USA valued at US$ 71 million in January 2021, much more than the US$ 54 million exported in January 2020.”

See the graph below for Uruguay container handling in 2019 and 2020:

Uruguay Container Handling Comparison | Jan – Dec 2019-2020 | TEU
Fonte: DataLiner


Paraguay begins the year with increased beef exports

The National Service for Animal Quality and Health (SENACSA) of Paraguay reported that the country started the year with the export of 21,363 tons of beef exported, which means an increase of 2.7%. The president of SENACSA, José Carlos Martin Camperchioli, pointed out that this was the best start of the last decade for foreign sales of Paraguayan beef. “In 2021, we are starting out the year on the right foot, just like we finished 2020. The projections are very good”, expressed Camperchioli in an interview with Radio 1000.

Chile remains the largest buyer, importing 7,842 tons valued at US$ 35.6 million. Russia and Israel were in second and third place, importing 4,957 and 2,601 tons, respectively. In turn, Brazil recorded a slight drop in imports, importing 1,655 tons.

The rest of the exports correspond to 21 other destinations that imported less volume yet still had an increased share in the first month of 2021. With 2,850 tons, a 32.9% growth was registered in purchases.

See the graph below for Paraguay beef exports since 2017:

Paraguay Beef Exports (HS 0202) | Jan 2017 – Dec 2020 | TEU
Graph Source: DataLiner (To request a DataLiner demo, click here)
News Sources: La Nacion, Porto Portuário, and Agência IP

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