Other Logistics

Paraná & Mato Grosso do Sul form agreement to expand railway network

Aug, 20, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202034

Last Wednesday, August 19, Governor Carlos Massa Ratinho Junior and the Governor of Mato Grosso do Sul, Reinaldo Azambuja, signed a technical cooperation agreement to work on the Western Export Corridor project, a new railway line that will connect the city of Maracaju (MS) to the Port of Paranaguá, expanding the network operated today by Ferroeste (Estrada de Ferro Paraná Oeste S / A).

At the meeting, held in Campo Grande, a contract was also signed with the company TPF Engenharia for the execution of the technical-operational, economic-financial, environmental and legal (EVTEA) feasibility studies, which should be completed in a maximum of one year. By September, the state government will also sign a contract for the Environmental Impact Study (EIA) and its respective Environmental Impact Report (RIMA), documents necessary for the execution of the project.

The forecast is that the new railway network will extend along 1,371 kilometers. The project includes the construction of a new railway between Maracaju (MS) and Cascavel (West of Paraná), the revitalization of the current railway section operated by Ferroeste, between Cascavel and Guarapuava; the construction of a new route between Guarapuava and Paranaguá and a multimodal branch between Cascavel and Foz do Iguaçu.

The deal

The agreement signed between Paraná and Mato Grosso do Sul provides for an institutional articulation between the states, related to the studies of cargo origin and destination; identification and characterization of environmental impacts; a survey of interference with urban growth vectors; demand projection; integration with the current and future Logistic Plan of Mato Grosso do Sul; legal aspects related to the enterprise; layout study; availability of topographic, geological, climatic and fluviometric information; and sensitive points of interface with traditional communities and cultural and archaeological heritage where the railway route could pass through.


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