Ports and Terminals

Paraná ports celebrate new 58 million-tonne cargo throughput record

Jan, 09, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202302

Cargo throughput in the state of Paraná has reached a whole new level. In 2022, 58,399,285 tonnes of cargo were handled in Paraná-based terminals, up 1.53%. The historic mark surpasses the previous record from 2021: 57,519,879 tonnes.

According to the CEO of Portos do Paraná, Luiz Fernando Garcia, compared to the 2019 cargo throughput, which was when the current management started, the increase was 9.6%. That year, Paraná saw 53,203,775 tonnes of cargo. In 2020, the volume was 57,339,307 tonnes.


Most of the volume moved passed through the ports of Paranaguá and Antonina. In 2022, cargo shipments to other countries totaled 35,535,711 tonnes, up 9.31% from 2021, with 32,508,471 tonnes.

The number of vessel dockings also increased – 2,539 vessel arrivals in 2022. That’s 75 more than in 2021.

The products most exported by the ports of Paraná were soybeans, soymeal, sugar, corn, chicken meat, vegetable oils, wood, pulp, fuel, paper, and beef.

Among these, except for soy, pulp, and fuels, all others increased. The most significant leap occurred in corn (+535.5%), beef (+113.1%), vegetable oils, mainly soy oil (+30.8%), paper (+26%), and wood ( +14.8%).

Despite going through a volume drop, soybeans were the most exported product in Paraná state. Last year, 10,012,450 tonnes of the oilseed were shipped. In 2021, this figure was 13,208,676 tonnes. The drop (-24.1%) reflects the oilseed’s behavior after a drought compromised the harvest result.

See below the monthly exports of corn (hs code 1005) and soybeans (hs code 1201) from the Port of Paranagua between Jan 2019 – Nov 2022, according to the DataLiner market intelligence tool.

Paranagua soybean and corn exports | Jan 2019 – Nov 2022 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)


The volume of 2022 imports, which reached 19,932,513 tonnes, decreased in 2022 compared to the previous year (-10.6%). In 2021, cargo landing at Paraná-based ports totaled 22,308,089 tonnes.

“The decrease in cargo arrivals stems from decreased fertilizer movement, which was in line with the general movement of the product in the country,” explained Garcia.

In 2022, 10,075,277 tonnes of fertilizers were imported through the ports of Paraná, 15.6% less than in 2021, when 11,948,004 tonnes were imported.

According to federal government data, fertilizer imports fell from 41,572,778 tonnes in 2021 to 38,202,010 tonnes in 2022, a reduction of 8.1%.

In 2022, 58,399,109 tonnes were either loaded or unloaded in the ports of Paranaguá and Antonina. The volume is 1.53% greater than in 2021, the highest previous record (57,519,879 tonnes).

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