Ports and Terminals

Paranagua and Antonina ports see 5% hike in exports

Oct, 07, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202240

Cargo exports through the ports of Paranagua and Antonina increased by 5% month-on-month and in the first nine months of the year. Of the 44,635,622 tonnes of cargo handled at these ports, 61.6% were exported: 27,484,079 tonnes versus 5 million in 2021. In September alone, the volume of products shipped abroad totaled 3,033,720 tonnes compared to 2.8 million in September last year.

“As of throughput in the month, exports represent more than half of it, almost 63.5%,” commented the CEO of Portos do Paraná, Luiz Fernando Garcia.

The most significant increases in exports occurred with corn, soymeal, soyoil, and general cargo. “The latter refers mostly to containers and pull, which is transported directly in the holds of ships,” added him.

This year, solid bulk exports totaled 19,161,762 tonnes. The volume is 2% higher than that recorded in the same period in 2021, with 18,712,846 tonnes. Corn achieved the biggest increase in this segment: 425%. While Paranagua exported 653,247 tonnes of the cereal from January to September 2021, this volume rose to 3,430,418 tonnes in 2022.

Soybean meal exports grew by 11% – 4,347,550 tonnes in the first nine months of 2022, compared to 3,916,242 tonnes in the same period last year. “With the volumes of soybeans and bulk sugar exported falling this year, corn and bran pushed up exports,” commented Garcia.

The volume of soy oil shipped by the ports of Paraná stands out among liquid bulk exports. This year, 1,234,412 tonnes were exported, a 42% increase over the 872,281 tonnes shipped in 2021.

Container exports rose by 7%, while pulp (breakbulk) shipments increased by 16%. Regarding TEUs, 503,120 were loaded year-to-date until September vis-a-vis 469,564 TEUs in 2021. The pulp volume shipped in the last nine months reached 630,355 tonnes, up from 545,400 in the same period last year.

See below a comparative chart of the volumes of some of the main products exported from the Port of Paranagua in 2021 and in 2022 (January to August). The data is from DataLiner.

Top product exports at Paranagua | 2021 vs 2022 | TEUs

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Overall results – Considering both exports and imports, the volume throughput at the ports of Paranagua and Antonina is in line with 2021’s throughput (44,461,024 tonnes).

Imports and exports of Solid Bulk totaled 27,810,596 tons (-1% compared to last year’s volume); 10,440,962 tons of General Cargo (+2%); and 6,384,064 tons of Liquid Bulk (+6%).

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