Ports and Terminals

Paranaguá carries out unprecedented shipment of sesame

Nov, 04, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202142

In berth 202 at the Port of Paranaguá, the Lady Lilly is carrying out an unprecedented operation of loading sesame in sacks. The Brazilian product being exported is stowed directly in the five holds of the vessel. On average, each space will carry around 4,000 tons of seed, totaling a shipment of 20,000 tons being exported to  Guatemala. Until now, the seed had already been exported by the Paraná terminal, but only in containers.

The lack of containers worldwide has made exporters and importers look for different solutions. The ship docked around noon this Wednesday, November 3rd. The forecast is for the operation to be completed next week.

See below a history of Brazilian sesame exports since 2019. Data are from DataLiner:

Brazilian Sesame Exports (HS 1207.40) | Jan 2019 to Sep 2021 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (To request a DataLiner demo click here)

The business director of Portos do Paraná, André Pioli, explains that the novelty is exactly in this shipment directly from the ship’s hold, a modality known as general cargo. “This demonstrates that the Port of Paranaguá is an efficient port for various types of cargo and has the capacity to operate in import and export. With the shortage in the container market, general cargo ships are once again looking at Paranaguá as an efficient service option,” says Pioli.

The Lady Lilly vessel is operated by Marcon Logística Portuária. According to commercial director Patrick Ferreira Tavares, this shipment of sesame marks the return of the product to the “loose cargo” modality (general cargo).

Sesame, as a food item, cannot come into contact with chemicals. In addition, due to its volume, it occupies twice as much space as other bagged goods. “For a 20,000-ton ship, it was necessary to have a back area of ​​40,000 tons. And this space today is extremely disputed in other Brazilian ports. But it is available in Paranaguá”, he added.

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