Ports and Terminals

Paranaguá Container Terminal records double record in June

Jul, 24, 2023 Posted by Lillian Smoak

Week 202331

In the first half of 2023, TCP (the company that manages the Container Terminal of Paranaguá) registered a volume of 8,479 containers of beef at the terminal, i.e. an increase of 87% compared to the same period last year (4,531 containers). The numbers accompany the general growth of frozen meat at the company, which set off two records: one for reefer volume and another for movements per hour on the pier.

In the month of the double record, 9,529 containers of meat were handled, 68% of chicken and 14% of beef, with the main destination being China. TCP’s commercial, logistics and customer service manager, Giovanni Guidolim, explains that “we have the largest reefer area in Brazil and our objective is to continue maintaining this excellence in the sector, expanding our services even more”.

Dataliner data indicate that Mato Grosso is the leading state in the production of beef for export at the terminal. “Several states are using our logistical advantages, mainly flexibility, to receive shipments of reefer volumes for export in advance. Mato Grosso is champion in this use”, explains Guidolim.

Another differential of TCP is the railway modal, the only one in the south of the country with direct access to the customs zone. According to the commercial manager, “the railroad is responsible for transporting one out of every five export containers to the terminal and meets several demands, including 25% of frozen meat exports”.

TCP records in 2023

In June, TCP registered the fourth month of records in 2023. This time, the company handled 10,750 reefer containers, surpassing the mark of 10,682 movements reached in March of this year. The second record was in relation to the monthly operation on ships. TCP reached an average of 106.6 MPH (movements per hour), surpassing the last record recorded in October last year of 106.1 MPH.

Operations manager Felipe de França explains that “the sequence of handling records reflects the high level of market demand and terminal production. We continuously invest in processes, always combining strategies with current scenarios. The results reflect the team’s commitment to service excellence”.

Among the most recent investment projects is the expansion and modernization of the gates and the increase in reefer sockets from 3,572 to 5,126 by the end of 2023. The terminal also recently installed a substation to sustain energy consumption for the increase in the area for temperature-controlled containers. In addition, by the end of the year, 11 new RTG (Rubber Tyred Gantry Crane) cranes will be delivered to meet not only current demand, but also expected organic growth.

The other records reached in 2023 were in the months of February, March and May. The achievements were in the sectors of reefer handling, monthly passage and daily passage of containers at the gate.

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