Ports and Terminals

Payment methods become more efficient as Pagseguro is added to ‘Port Without Paper’ system

Jun, 22, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202026

The National Secretariat of Ports and Waterway Transport (SNPTA) and the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) added a new facility to the ‘Port Without Paper’ system: PagTesouro, a digital solution to speed up information transmission regarding payments, fees, the Free Practice Certificates, and Bordocom Sanitary Certificate for vessels. Managed by the National Treasury Secretariat (STN), the functionality has been available since June 21.

In the old method of payment, shipping agents had to go through a multi-step procedure before the payment was finally sent to the Port Without Paper system. This procedure could cause delays reflecting on ship moorings, as the time necessary for the payment information to be processed could reach up to five calendar days on long holidays.

With the integration between the Port Without Paper system and PagTesouro, it is no longer necessary to generate a bank slip. Now, the payment information reaches the paperless system within two minutes after the payment is made.  Currently, PagTesouro only offers payment by debit in an account at Banco do Brasil. However, a public notice that allows other banks to adhere to the payment method has already been published. The expectation is that, by September, the service will also be offered through other financial institutions.

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