Ports and Terminals

Pecém denies news that coronavirus infected crew members are moored at port

Mar, 17, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202013

On Tuesday March 17, the Pecém Complex issued a note to all its employees and customers that news of a moored vessel at the Ceará port terminal with three people onboard infected with coronavirus (Covid-19), is not true. According to the note, at the moment there is no record of a confirmed case of the disease on the port`s premises and the Ceará SPA.

According to the statement, before docking at the Pecém port terminal, each vessel is required to submit a Maritime Health Declaration to Anvisa (National Health Surveillance Agency). The document is completed by the ship’s commanders and reports the actual health status of all crew members arriving at the port. If there are suspicions of a patient on board, the Anvisa’s guidelines will be followed whereby a vessel may not be allowed to dock or to inform the port about the need to provide an ambulance to transfer the sick crew member to a hospital.

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