Ports and Terminals

Peru port terminals see 22.9% increase in container throughput

Jul, 13, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202328

In May 2023, Peru’s public port terminals saw a 22.9% increase in container handling, reaching a total of 269,749 TEUs. This compares to 219,569 TEUs in the same month of the previous year, according to the National Port Authority (APN) of Peru.

In the same vein, public-use port facilities handled 4,354,805 tonnes of cargo in May 2023, a 2.5% decrease from 2022.

The APN highlighted that the South Pier (Muelle Sur), operated by DP World Callao, saw a 19.2% increase in container handling (TEUs). Meanwhile, the north multi-purpose terminal, operated by APM Terminals Callao, saw a 30% increase in TEU handling but a contraction in breakbulk and solid bulk cargoes of 72.5% and 31.8%, respectively.

The Matarani Port Terminal, supervised by the Terminal Internacional del Sur (Tisur), managed to increase the handling of solid bulk cargoes by 39.2% but saw a decrease in the treatment of breakbulk cargoes of 92.2%.

Source: PortalPortuario

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