Oil and Gas

Petrobras hires four new tankers to increase oil shipment rates

Jun, 04, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202023

Four new vessels were hired by Petrobras to meet the long-term demand in transporting oil from the platforms. The new tankers will be a part of the company’s existing 20 vessel fleet, which carries out about 1,800 shipments per year.

The first of the hired vessels, Eagle Petrolina, left South Korea on Thursday, June 4th, after conducting some tests at sea, and will be received by Petrobras on June 14th in Singapore.

“Due to the productivity in the pre-salt fields, we are investing and preparing our logistics infrastructure for an increase in oil production in the coming years. It is essential to be competitive and logistics play an essential role in efficiently linking the production chain ”, highlights André Chiarini, director of Logistics at Petrobras.

The current flow capacity of the platforms is 2,067 thousand bbl/day and it will increase to 2,262 thousand bbl/day in 2022.

Eagle Petrolina

The Eagle Petrolina can store 1 million barrels and was designed for Petrobras by AET and built in South Korea. The vessel is of the Suezmax Dynamic Positioning (DP2) type, with high-powered propellers and positioning system dynamics. This mechanism allows the ship to be stabilized automatically so that it remains stationary while receiving the oil drained from the tanks of the platforms, ensuring safety and increasing the efficiency of the operation. The vessel is also equipped with electrically driven cargo pumps to increase the use of fuel and, therefore, reduce operating costs.

The ship is expected to arrive in Brazil in early July to operate in the Santos Basin. The remaining vessels will be delivered in July, August, and October respectively. At the beginning of the year, Petrobras hired three more tankers, with delivery scheduled for 2022.


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