
Philippines lifts embargo on Brazilian chicken imports

Dec, 18, 2020 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202052

According to ABPA (the Brazilian animal protein association), the Philippines lifted the total ban on chicken imports from Brazil according to a memorandum issued this week by the Philippines department of agriculture. With the total removal of restrictions, the entity expects the level of sales to the Philippine market to return to pre-suspension levels.

The suspension of sales occurred in the second half of August, after the supposed detection of traces of Covid-19 on the packaging of a product in a Chinese municipality. At the time, the World Health Organization (WHO) stressed that there is no scientific evidence that the Coronavirus can be transmitted via products

The Philippines was one of the main destinations for Brazilian chicken in Asia. In the general ranking, it was among the 12 main importers, and it received about 2% of the total amount exported by Brazil in the first half of this year (43,800 tons).

“Brazil provided all the clarifications, and we demonstrated the reliability of the Brazilian product, showing that barriers without scientific and technical basis, without any clarification and demonstrations, are not the basis for an embargo. The reopening demonstrates the Philippine market’s confidence in the quality and health status of poultry in Brazil, ”says Santin, extolling the action led by the Minister of Agriculture, Tereza Cristina, the Brazilian Embassy in Manila, and the Department of Agribusiness Promotion of the Ministry of Foreign Relations.

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