
Pif Paf Alimentos signs purchase agreement for Fricasa Alimentos

Nov, 19, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 201948

Pif Paf Alimentos has signed a purchase agreement for the pork processing company Fricasa Alimentos, located in Canoinhas, Santa Catarina. The acquisition is in line with the company’s strategic growth plan in order to expand its food production and marketing capacity, expanding its operations in Brazil and abroad.

The acquisition is subject to approval by the Monopolies and Mergers Commission (CADE) and to compliance with conditions precedent to the transaction. Until the conclusion of the process, companies continue to operate independently.

According to a statement issued by Pif Paf Alimentos, Fricasa will normally maintain its operation (production, marketing, and all related functions), respecting its employees, suppliers, integrated and other partners, customers and consumers. The transition will take place gradually and transparently, and current business practices and policies remain in force and without any change in the relationship.

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