Trade Regulations

Plan to accept 6 new countries simultaneously into OECD may unlock Brazilian membership

Sep, 29, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202138

After waiting years to join the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), “the rich nations club”, Brazil now sees the possibility of a breakthrough as part of a process in which the organization’s secretary-general, Mathias Cormann, is trying to approve the accession of all six countries that are in the queue at the same time.

Reuters sources confirm that Cormann, an Australian politician who took over the OECD in March this year, is trying to break the deadlock on new accessions with a plan to accept all six countries –  Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Romania, Bulgaria, and Croatia – at the same time.

After this official acceptance, the speed of progress of each one towards full participation would depend on compliance with the organization’s rules.

The intention is to take the plan to be discussed at the meeting of ministers that takes place in Paris next week, in a debate that could be used to unlock new adhesions.

Brazil’s own accession process, which began in 2017, came to a halt in part due to US opposition to this OECD expansion to Eastern European nations.

Source: Money Times

To read the full original article, visit the link:  https://www.moneytimes.com.br/plano-para-aceitar-6-novos-paises-de-uma-vez-na-ocde-pode-destravar-adesao-brasileira/

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