Ports and Terminals

Poland, Ukraine and Lithuania reach historic deal on grain exports

Oct, 03, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202339

Ukraine, Poland, and Lithuania have agreed on a plan to expedite Ukrainian grain exports. Authorities argue that countries beyond Europe will benefit from the swift procedures.

The agreement shifts grain inspections from the Ukraine-Poland border to the Lithuanian port of Klaipeda on the Baltic Sea, according to the Ukrainian Ministry of Agriculture. This measure aims to facilitate the transit of Ukrainian cargo through Polish territory.

In addition to expediting the process, the plan is also expected to alleviate tensions between Ukraine and Poland over grain prices at a time when international support for Ukraine’s response to the Russian invasion is waning.

Agricultural exports have been one of the major challenges to European unity posed by Ukraine since the start of the war. Following Russia’s exit from the Black Sea grain corridor agreement, Ukraine was left with only land routes, which are more expensive, as the primary secure alternative.

Producers in neighboring countries have complained about the influx of Ukrainian products, which flooded their local markets, drove down prices, and threatened their incomes.

Direct shipments to the Lithuanian port could help address this issue.

Source: Canal Rural

To read the original news report, see: https://www.canalrural.com.br/internacional/graos-ucrania-fecha-acordo-com-polonia-e-lituania-para-acelerar-exportacoes/

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