Ports and Terminals

Police seize 278 kg of cocaine in a truck at a Paranaguá container terminal

Aug, 05, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202131

Police have seized 278 kg of cocaine inside a truck that accessed the Paranaguá Container Terminal (TCP), on the coast of Paraná, in the early hours of Thursday, August 5th.

According to the police, the truck driver tried to flee by shifting into reverse when he noticed that agents were inspecting the truck cabins at the entrance to the port terminal.

The driver was unable to escape and was arrested after the police found the drug during a search of the truck.

The narcotics were hidden in bales. Using chemical reagents, the police confirmed that the drug was cocaine.

The suspect, the drug, and the truck were taken to the police station in Paranaguá.

Source: G1

To read the full original article, visit the link:

https://g1.globo.com/pr/parana/noticia/2021/08/05/pf-apreende-278-kg-de-cocaina-em-caminhao-em-terminal-de-conteineres-no-porto- de-paranagua.ghtml

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