Exportações brasileiras de carne suína / pork industry in 2022

Pork exports close July/22 with better month-on-month results

Aug, 01, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202231

According to information from the Federal Government’s Foreign Trade Secretariat (Secex) released on August 1st, fresh, frozen, or chilled pork exports reached higher levels in July 2022 than in the preceding month.

The revenue obtained from pork exports until the end of July, US$ 209,307,697, represents 90.44% of the amount obtained in July 2021, which was US$ 231,411,531. Regarding the volume shipped, the 87,911,038 tonnes are 94.8% of the total exported in July last year, amounting to 92,734,365 tonnes.

Compared to the previous month, the US$ 209,307,697 collected from pork exports is 3.1% higher than the revenue recorded in June, US$ 202,945,597. In terms of volume, the 87,911,038 tonnes shipped in July are 5.2% higher than what was computed in June, 83,536,501.

The month’s average daily turnover was US$9,967,033, 5.2% lower than July 2021. In comparison with the previous week, there was a 4% drop.

The average of tonnes shipped per day was 4,186,239, a 0.7 percent reduction over the same month in 2021. Compared to the previous week’s performance, there was a 4.06 percent reduction.

The price paid per tonne, US$ 2380.903, is 4.6% lower than last July. However, the result, compared to the value reached in the previous week, represents a slight increase of 0.04%.

Sources: Notícias Agrícolas

To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.noticiasagricolas.com.br/noticias/granjeiros/323604-exportacao-de-carne-suina-fecha-julho-22-com-resultado-acima-do-mes-anterior.html#.YugmsnbMLIU

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