Pork exports China

Pork exports to China fell in April

May, 16, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202220

Studies by the Brazilian Animal Protein Association (ABPA) show that Brazilian pork exports (including raw and processed goods) reached 89.7 thousand tonnes in April, 8.8% lower than the number registered in the same month last year, with 98.7 thousand tonnes.

In terms of revenue, April’s sales reached US$ 193.4 million, 16.7% lower than that recorded in the same month of 2021, with US$ 232.3 million.

Year-to-date (January to April), pork exports reached 327.3 thousand tonnes, 7% lower than that recorded in the first four months of 2021, with 351.8 thousand tonnes. In revenue, there was a retraction of 16.3%, with US$ 692 million this year and US$ 826.4 million last year.

According to data collected by ABPA, China was the main destination for exports between January and April, with 118.6 thousand tonnes (-35% compared to the same period last year), followed by Hong Kong, with 33 .8 thousand tonnes (-34.8%), the Philippines, with 23.2 thousand tonnes (+281.3%), Singapore, with 20.1 thousand tonnes (+43.9%) and Argentina, with 18 thousand tonnes (+83.1%).

See below the track record of Brazilian pork exports to China. The data is from DataLiner.

Brazilian Pork Exports to China | Jan 2021 to Mar 2022 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

“April sales returned to levels close to 90 thousand tonnes, which is the expected monthly performance trend for this year. Pork exports from Brazil are leveling off, settling at levels significantly higher than those seen before the great global disruption of the protein market, which began in 2018 and had more perceptible effects between 2019 and 2021. Other Asian and South American countries have started to supplant China in total export performance,” analyzes the president of ABPA, Ricardo Santin.

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