Ports and Terminals

Port Advancements in Paraná: Auctions, Inaugurations, and New Contracts for Operational Areas

Apr, 17, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202319

Regularization of operational areas at the Port of Paranaguá has grown in the first 100 days of the new state management. Since January 1st, a dedicated area for liquid bulk has been auctioned out, and another area for pulp operations has been inaugurated and is already operational. The contract for a third area, PAR32, was signed at the end of February, and a new company is expected to take over starting this month.

Despite already having warehouse facilities (6A and 6B), the new lessee of the PAR32 area, Fortepar Operações Portuárias, will assume the obligation to invest a minimum of R$ 4.17 million within one year.

The area, measuring approximately 6,600 square meters, was auctioned for R$ 30 million in March 2022 at B3, the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange, and is located west of the pier of the Paranaguá port, designated for general cargo storage and handling.

The port authority has analyzed the Basic Implementation Plan presented by the private company at the contract signing, outlining conceptually how the terminal will be implemented. Once Fortepar assumes the area, with a Temporary Asset Assumption Agreement (TAP), they will have a legal period to evaluate the bid terms.

With approval also from the new lessee, a Definitive Asset Assumption Agreement (TAD) is signed, and Fortepar becomes legally responsible for PAR32. In addition to the obligation to invest in improvements, the lessee will start making monthly payments for the occupation.

Other areas – The first area is PAR50, auctioned on February 24th. The project is in the final stage of the bidding process, which took approximately 41 months and was widely discussed in various instances, including the judiciary and audit courts.

The lease has a total area of 85,392 square meters, for the handling and storage of liquid bulk, in alignment with the guidelines of the Development and Zoning Plan of the Port of Paranaguá and the Master Plan of the Ports of Paraná.

As indicated by studies for the new terminal PAR50, the total area will have a static capacity of 119,710 cubic meters and a dynamic capacity to reach up to 1.2 million tons per year. “Over the contractual term of 25 years, and after all the planned works and improvements are completed, estimated at almost R$ 338.2 million, we expect to have the conditions to achieve a total movement of 21.6 million tons,” said Garcia.

Pulp  – On March 22nd, Klabin inaugurated the new terminal with a capacity to receive one million tons of paper and cellulose per year, in the area known as PAR01, at the pier of the Port of Paranaguá. The approximately 27,000 square meter space was auctioned in 2019.

“This was the first port area concessioned after 20 years without new leases in the ports of Paraná,” commented the CEO of Portos do Paraná.

With the completion of the construction, the handling of cargoes produced by the company in Ortigueira and Telêmaco Borba, in the Campos Gerais region, through the Port of Paranaguá, will gain productivity, competitiveness, and sustainability.

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