Ports and Terminals

Port auction generates R$106 million in investments

Aug, 16, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202133

The Friday auction of three port terminals in Amapá, Bahia, and Ceará, had as winners Caramuru, Intermarítima Portos e Logística and the Tergran group, formed by M. Dias Branco, Grande Moinho Cearense, and J. Macêdo. Only one of the terminals, the one in Salvador, was disputed. In the others, there was only one interested party. In all, investments of R$ 106.6 million were contracted in the three assets. The total collection of grants amounted to R$ 38.85 million – an amount that will be allocated to the port authorities.

The largest concession was offered by Intermarítima, which will spend R$ 32 million to operate the general cargo terminal in the Port of Salvador for ten years. In addition to the concessions, the group will invest R$ 17.7 million in assets. Most of the resources will come from the group’s own cash, said the company’s CEO, Roberto Zitelmann.

The company’s objective is to use the terminal to transport containers and project cargo, especially those linked to the wind sector, which is strong in the region.

The company defeated two competitors – Wilson Sons and Martins Medeiros – and, to win the asset, tripled the initial grant offer by speakerphone during the dispute stage.

Source: Valor Econômico

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