exports of iron ore
Ports and Terminals

Port handling grows 2.1% in Q3

Dec, 08, 2020 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202051

According to ANTAQ’s Waterway Statistics, the Brazilian port sector (ports + private terminals) handled 310.1 million tons in the third quarter, which represented a 2.1% growth compared to the same period last year. Private terminals handled 205 million tons, an increase of 1.43%, while public ports handled 105 million tons – an increase of 3.45%.

The Ponta da Madeira (MA) Maritime Terminal was the private facility that handled the most in the third quarter: 56.5 million tons, a decrease of 0.4% compared to the same period in 2019. In relation to public ports, Santos (SP) came in first, with 30.6 million tons handled, an increase of 4.78%.

Iron ore was the busiest cargo in the third quarter: 103.6 million tons – an increase of 0.48% over the third quarter of 2019. After iron ore came fuels, containers, and corn.

Regarding the cargo profile, 196.4 million tons of solid bulk were handled in the third quarter, an increase of 1.95%. 69.4 million tons of liquid and gaseous bulk were handled, a growth of 2.92%. The handling of containerized cargo fell 2.38%, with about 30 million tons. The movement of general cargo rose 10.85% (14.2 million tons).

2020 Year to Date

In the year to date, from January to September, the port sector handled 849.5 million tons. The number represented a growth of 3.74% in relation to the same period last year. In these nine months, one of the highlights was the Port of Santos, which handled 86.2 million tons, an increase of 8.06%. The Port of Paranaguá (PR) also registered growth (9.86%), with 39.9 million tons handled.

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