Ports and Terminals

Port movement in the Northeast grows 2.68% between January and May

Aug, 04, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202131

From January to May 2021, 124.7 million tons were handled by ports in the Northeast. This means a growth of 2.68% compared to the same period last year. The data were released by the general director of ANTAQ, Eduardo Nery, on August 3 during a lecture at Nordeste Export, in São Luís (MA).

In the first five months of the year, private terminals handled 92.5 million tons, a growth of 1.08%. Public ports handled 32.2 million tons (+7.56%).

Nery presented cargo-handling numbers broken down by port facilities located in the Northeast, with an emphasis on the Ponta da Madeira (MA) Maritime Terminal, with 67.6 million tons; the Port of Itaqui (MA), with 12.5 million tons; and the Port of Suape (PE), with 9.2 million tons. The data is from the period January-May 2021. “The ports in the Northeast have a strategic position in international routes”, endorsed Nery.

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