Other Cargo

Port of Açu becomes hub for lithium exports from Brazil

Feb, 06, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202406

In 2023, the Port of Açu, situated along the Rio de Janeiro coast, emerged as a key hub for exporting key minerals – spodumene and lithium – produced from the Jequitinhonha Valley in Minas Gerais. A record-breaking shipment of 84,145 tonnes of spodumene within six days marked the port’s entry into this new era of ore exports.

Looking ahead, there are high expectations around spodumene and lithium exports this year, with a possible twofold increase on the horizon. To meet this demand, the Port of Açu has made substantial investments totaling R$300 million over the past two years. These investments have bolstered the port’s infrastructure, including the expansion of its multi-cargo terminal and warehouse facilities, with a new berth and approximately 70,000 square meters of dedicated area, of which 30,000 square meters are earmarked for lithium storage.

The Port of Açu isn’t just a key player in the lithium trade; it’s also becoming a vital gateway for imports and exports from Minas Gerais. According to João Braz, Director of Operations at the Port of Açu, Minas accounts for a staggering 95% of the cargo handled at the port, excluding petroleum and gas. In fact, Minas Gerais alone represents 60% of the cargo handled at the port’s multi-cargo terminal.

The port is on track for substantial growth, with projections indicating that it handled 84 million tons in 2023 – a remarkable 40% increase compared to the previous year. This growth trajectory is expected to continue, with estimates suggesting that the port will handle 100 million tons in the current year.

Source: Estado de Minas

Click here to read the original news article: https://www.em.com.br/colunistas/marcilio-de-moraes/2024/02/6797606-um-porto-para-exportar-o-litio-do-vale-do-jequitinhonha.html

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