Ports and Terminals

Port of Antonina specializes in high-value cargo and a short waiting periods for ships

May, 20, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202122

The Port of Antonina, in Paraná, has a new growth strategy: to handle special product exports and imports, betting on customized cargoes with high added values. It is one of the few Brazilian ports, and the only one in Paraná, able to export non-GM soybean meal as it has the right conditions to avoid cross-contamination.

Qualified since 2016 for this export, in the last week the Pontado Félix Port Terminal (TPPF) [the name of the port of Antonina] underwent a new audit and had its license renewed. Annually, 300,000 tons of non-transgenic soybean meal are shipped to the foreign market.

“The purpose of the Ponta do Félix Port Terminal is to operate complex loads requiring special care”, explains the CEO Gilberto Birkhan. He says that in addition to non-GM bran, other products handled include fertilizers (imports) and bagged sugar (exports). “They are smaller volumes compared to those handled at other terminals, but they are higher-value cargo”, he says.

The following graphs compiled using DataLiner data show the history of cargo handling via Port of Antonina and the main products handled:

Imports and Exports via Port of Antonina | Jan 2018 to Mar 2021 | WTMT

Graph source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)


Goods Exported by the Port of Antonina | Apr 2020 to Mar 2021 | WTMT

Graph source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)


Expanding the range of special and differentiated products, this year the Port of Antonina started exporting cane pellets. The material is waste from sugar and ethanol production plants. The pellets left Brazil and headed for the port of Imminghan, in the United Kingdom.

Another novelty this year was the first export of malt. There were 15,000 tons shipped to Australia for beer production. During the year, 100,000 tons of the product will be exported. The port’s intention is also to serve its neighbors Uruguay and Argentina with the product.

Source: Gazeta do Povo

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