Ports and Terminals

Port of Buenos Aires relocates Paraguayan free zone

Jul, 10, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201929

The Port of Buenos Aires has agreed to relocate a free zone of 10,700m² that Paraguay has within the jurisdiction of the Argentine port, originally granted in 1997.

It will be transferred to a new area located near F Dock in order to facilitate the region’s foreign trade. The zone, used as a warehouse and a distribution center for imported goods, covers 10,700m² of the port’s South Zone.

According to the port authority, the agreement will encourage the arrival of Paraguayan transshipment cargo, since the new property is near a dock that is exclusive for barges.

This can facilitate the process of loading and unloading the shipment and considerably reduce operational and transfer costs.

In addition, the implementation of a single bonded corridor that will internally connect all port terminals is being developed jointly with Argentinean Customs.

Source: Container Management

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